Welcome to Dine With a Doc ®

The Dine with a Doc® program was designed to allow the seniors to get out of their homes, fellowship with their peers, extend their available financial resources, promote enhanced living, and educate them (from a preventative standpoint) with the goal of ensuring their quality of life and providing them with the resources and information to make an informed choice about their healthcare. (At times, as seniors express an interest, "Docs" other than those that are medical doctors may be presenting.)

A typical Dine with the Doc® consists of the following format: (which can be modified to meet with Dr.’s schedule)

  • Welcome , Prayer (Particpants may adjust themselves accordingly if they do not wish to join in the prayer)
  • Recognition of veterans and families of military troops currently serving our country and Pledge of Allegiance
  • Meal Served to Seniors
  • Mini commercials (area businesses that have pre-scheduled attendance at the program, present their information and services to the seniors---THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SELL TO THEM, JUST GIVE INFORMATION FOR THEM TO MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION AT A LATER DATE. (They are allowed 5 minutes to speak to the seniors about their business in exchange for providing a door prize that the seniors could win) Door prizes can be simple and do not need to be extravagant in price. The seniors just like the concept of winning something.
  • Mini commercials are interrupted when doctor arrives and is ready to speak. Some doctors want to sit and eat as well, others don’t. 

Some "docs" have a formal presentation with a PowerPoint presentation, handouts, etc, some don’t. It is solely up to each doctor what they want to do for their presentation. ("Docs") generally arrive about 30 minutes after start of program so that they aren’t interrupted with food being served. Their presentation is anywhere from 30 minutes +.

  • After ("Doc") presentation, open for questions
  • Finish up of “Mini-Commercials”
  • Drawing for door prizes

At each of the Dine with a Doc® there is an agency that provides a wellness clinic which consists of blood pressure screenings and/or pulse oximetry, and/or blood glucose monitoring.


This program now reaches seniors in 2 states 

Over 5000 + doctors have donated their services to this ministry for this program to "serve our seniors" 

Over 250,000 seniors/meals have been served as a result of this program 

Over 5000+ businesses have served our seniors as lunch providers and/or mini commercials for this program. 

The Dine with a Doc® program wouldn’t have reached these milestones without your help! In anticipation of your support we thank you. 

Dine with a Doc®...Glorifying God by serving our seniors and veterans.