Dine With a Doc ® - Clinton 2016
Dr. Gregory Andonian M.D. Lunch: Program Facilitator: Edgar Guy-Senior Education Ministries Opening Prayer: Edgar Guy-Senior Education Ministries |
Dr. Roland Kohr M.D. Topic: An Examination of the Medical Evidence for the Physical Death of Jesus Christ Lunch: Terre Haute Nursing and Rehabilitation Program Facilitator: Opening Prayer: |
No program this month due to funeral
No program this month due to the 10th annual SAFE program (www.fraudandscam.org) |
Dr. Kevin Anderson D.C. Lunch: Program Facilitator: Fred Light-Great Lakes Caring Opening Prayer: Pastor Larry Snyder-Victory Baptist Church |
Danielle Colvin DPT, OCS Lunch: Program Facilitator: Opening Prayer: |
Rick Brewster -“Doctorate of Jurisprudence” Lunch: Program Facilitator: Opening Prayer: |
Dr. Kenneth Reece MD Lunch: Program Facilitator: Opening Prayer: |
No program this month due to Covered Bridge |
CHRISTINE C. TOEVS, MD, MA (Bioethics), FACS, FCCM Lunch: Program Facilitator: Fred Light Opening Prayer:Edgar Guy |
Lindsay Wenning,MPH by special request Topic: Infectious Diseases Lunch: Program Facilitator:Fred Light Opening Prayer:Edgar Guy |